As we approach the end of this year and the start of a new one, many people are setting their goals and resolutions. For some, becoming tobacco and nicotine-free is at the top of the list.  

Tobacco Free Lancaster County recognizes the importance of starting the new year with a commitment to being tobacco and nicotine-free. However, this can be a tough resolution—especially when combined with the holiday rush of gatherings, gift shopping, year-end work deadlines, travel, and extra social interactions. All of this can make an already stressful time feel even more challenging.  

Tobacco and nicotine products trigger the release of dopamine, the brain’s “feel-good” hormone, which can create the false impression that nicotine helps with stress, anxiety, and depression—making it highly addictive. When someone quits, short-term withdrawal can bring on symptoms that mimic stress, anxiety, and depression. However, by pushing through these symptoms, individuals increase their chances of achieving a lifelong, tobacco- and nicotine-free lifestyle.  

Understanding the nicotine withdrawal timeline (see image) can be crucial for your quit journey. This timeline describes common withdrawal symptoms, when they typically begin, and how long they may last. It will help you anticipate what your body and mind may experience and allow you to plan accordingly.  

Additional strategies to manage holiday stress include:  

  • Planning: Set clear limits on your time and budget. Decide in advance how long you’ll spend on certain activities, which commitments you’ll honor, and how flexible you need to be.  
  • Be realistic: Holidays often come with high expectations. It helps to be realistic. Assess your resources, including time and energy, and prioritize accordingly. This may mean turning down some requests and invitations, and that’s perfectly okay. Prioritize your physical, mental, and financial well-being.  
  • Resting: Take time for regular breaks, whether it’s through naps, reading, playing games, or watching a favorite show.   
  • Maintaining healthy habits: Keep your sleep schedule intact, eat balanced meals, and maintain healthy habits like being tobacco and nicotine free.  

The Nebraska Tobacco Quitline (1-800-QUIT-NOW) is available through the holiday season, offering confidential support, counseling, and free nicotine replacement therapy to help you stay on track.  ** Please note, the Quitline is closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day and operates 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. MST on Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Eve. The website is available in English and Spanish 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. ** 

For more information on how Tobacco Free Lancaster County can support you or a loved one in committing to a tobacco- and nicotine-free lifestyle, visit   
